Friday, January 13, 2012

5 Months! A Whole Handful!

Dear Linnea,

You are 5 months old! A "whole handful" as I always say to kiddos who are 5 years old. That's incredible. 5 months sounds SO old to me (I know, I know...that sounds so silly). As has been true with all of your "month birthdays," I find myself reflecting on that special day in August - the day you were born! I can't believe it's been 5 months already. I can't imagine this world without you, and I can't imagine all the days...weeks...months...years of fun ahead of us! It's just crazy! We continue to have a great time, and marvel at the amazing little girl you are. Here are some highlights as of late...

You celebrated your first Christmas...
This month you celebrated your first Christmas! As I said last month, we really had a fun time bringing you into the family traditions we have created. We also had fun talking about what traditions we want to plan for the future. We have some great ideas, and look forward to all the fun Christmases to come!

This year we had a pretty low-key, but lovely celebration. We had some time the three of us on Christmas Eve Day. We went to the Alexander Ramsey House for a tour (yay History, says Daddy). You did great - just a little squirmy near the end. We got dressed up and went to church for service and the Christmas Eve dinner that Grandma and Grandpa host. Christmas Day we were back over to Grandma and Grandpa's for some more celebrating. Your Great Grandma was there too! We had a wonderful time spending the holiday with family.

Other celebrations with Grammy and Grampy and some extended family waited until after the first of the year. It was fun to introduce you to members of the family you hadn't met yet. We had a great time!

You discovered your feet...
You were so into your hands last month...studying them, slurping on them, exploring the world around you...but you hadn't paid any attention to your feet. And then just like that, at the end of December, you found them! Now you love touching your toes, and pulling your feet towards you. You examine them closely. :-) You haven't yet put them in your mouth, but I imagine you might soon. One of your favorite songs is "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." We sing it often, and you grin as we point out all your different parts. I make up different verses to keep it interesting. Head, Shoulders, Elbows, Tookas is a particular favorite... :-)

You had your first...and second cold...
Right before Christmas the inevitable caught your first cold. It started with a stuffy nose, and progressed to a barky little cough, and raspy breathing. We hate to see you sick! Thankfully, it didn't slow you down too much. Magna reported that you were your same, happy self! You caught another cold this week. Same thing... I suppose that will happen to a baby...who is in daycare...during the winter. Both times, you managed to give it to Mom and Dad. Perhaps it's all the "kisses" you like to give us?? We're all on the mend now...

You started sticking out your tongue...
Just a week or so ago you started sticking out your tongue...all. the. time! It's so cute. You stick it out when you smile and coo, and you stick it out when you are just hanging out. Like your feet, you seemed to have all of a sudden discovered that it's there!

You've grown and changed a lot too...
This month you had another well baby check-up, and we had so much fun seeing how you've progressed. It was a joy to watch you charm the doctor. You smiled and cooed as she checked your heart and lungs, and you also showed off your rolling skills several times for the doctor and the nurse. You are right on track growth wise. You weighed 14 pounds, 2 ounces (55th percentile), and measured 26.5" (98th percentile). The doctor thought your length measurement was a bit high (probably because you are so active it was hard for the nurse to measure you!). You are doing great developmentally - if anything a bit ahead in some areas. You had to get shots again, but you were so brave and took them very well. A few tears, but you recovered quickly with some mama snuggles and a look at the baby in the mirror. :-) You make us proud, Linnea!

You continue to be VERY active, happy, and social. You love to make noises, and you love to be little Miss Independent. You are not content being held still for very long. You like sitting up, or rolling around...reaching for toys, and exploring everything around you. We love that our daily report from daycare tells of your happy, content, smiley, active days.

Your rolling over is really progressing. You go both ways very regularly, and scoot along the floor. You have, on more than one occasion, traveled a good distance on the floor through rolling and scooting! Grandma even said you were tucking your knees underneath you!

Continuing a bit from last month is your new favorite thing - faces. You love touching our noses, cheeks, hair, mouths. You "give kisses" by slobbering on our cheeks and noses. You also have a fondness for mama's hair. :-)

You continue to grow out of clothes like it's going out of style (ha!). There have been several times within the last month that I have pulled outfits out, thinking they'd still be too big...but they barely fit! There is a particular pair of Oshkosh overalls that we had been excited about that you only wore twice! Shoot! Most of the clothes you are wearing are 3-6 months or 6 months. We haven't broken out any of the 6-9 months or 9 months clothes yet, but I'm sure we will soon!
You continue to wear size 2 diapers.

I say it every month and I mean it every month....we love you so much. We love watching you grow and getting to know you more and more. You are one happy little girl, and we are so glad you are ours!

Love you forever and ever and then some,
Mommy and Daddy

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