Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dear Sweet Pea...

Dear Sweet Pea,

You'll learn pretty quickly that I'm rather sentimental (I can just imagine you giggling at this when you're older, because it's an understatement).

Anyways, I've been thinking a lot about your daddy lately (and getting sentimental). It's a really fun thing to take this journey towards parenthood with him, and I can't wait to watch him take on this new role. I love your daddy very much, and grow to love him more in little ways and big ways every day. I don't have a doubt in my mind that you will love your daddy too. I want to tell you a little bit about him before you make your appearance in this world. It'll be interesting for you to read this when you're older and see what (if anything) has changed.

First and foremost, your daddy may look big and slightly intimidating, but he is a just a big teddy bear. He's one of the most gentle and kind people I've ever known. I look forward to seeing you in his arms, and watching him gently kiss and snuggle you.

Sweet Pea, you've already got his heart. I know because of how he puts his hand on you, talks to you, and hugs you by putting his hands on either side of the bump of my belly and giving it a little squeeze. He just felt you for the first time a week or so ago. He was really excited, and couldn't wait to feel you more. He says on almost a daily basis, "I can't wait to meet her!" Me too, Sweet Pea. Me too.

Your daddy is not really sentimental like me...but he certainly is loving and a great caretaker too! There's a story that your Grammy tells about when your dad was younger. He was 12 or 13 when your Auntie Gracia was a baby. Grammy says that he got up when Auntie Gracia woke up in the middle of the night. He would take care of her, and made sure she was okay. What a guy! I know he'll take good care of you too. And although he may not say it as outwardly or often as I do, he loves you very, very much.

You and your daddy will have lots of fun too! He talks about all the things he wants to teach you and do with you. He's a good teacher - very patient with stubborn people like me. You've already shown your stubborness...so he'll be sure to be patient with you too.

I think it's been a little hard for your dad to not know you as well as I feel I do already (you and I spend lots of time together!), which is especially why I look forward to when you come so that HE gets a chance to meet you, hold you, and love you. You are such a special part of our life already, Sweet Pea. We can't wait to meet you!

Love, Your Mom

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Yesterday was Mother's Day. A few wished me a happy Mother's Day...including sweet cards from my parents, and Jeromy's mom and step-dad. Some friends also wished me a happy Mother's Day, which was very sweet.

While I appreciated the sentiment, I was a little torn...is it cheating? Do I "count" as a mom yet? I suppose in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really matter...but it was in my mind all the same. When do you become a mom? What makes someone a mom?

I was also thinking about my own mom. Not that I'm biased, but I'm fairly confident that I have the best mom in the whole world. Seriously. She's the best. I have big shoes to fill. I can only hope that I'm half the mom my mom is to Sweet Pea. I have learned a lot about good parenting from my mom, and I hope that I can use those parenting skills on my own daughter. My own daughter - even saying (typing) that takes some getting used to. :-)

Above all, yesterday I was thinking that next year's Mother's Day is going to be amazing. I can't wait to celebrate with Sweet Pea in tow. Mother's Day will never, ever be the same for me again...and I'm thrilled about that. :-)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Making Her Presence Known...

We had another fun pregnancy milestone last night, that happened in the most perfect way! Allow me to elaborate...

I've been feeling Sweet Pea gyrate her little behind for over a month now. It took a while for me to realize that that's what it was...but after a conversation with my doctor, it was clear that those thumps were Sweet Pea! I've had fun the last few weeks paying attention to when she is most active, what her movement feels like, etc. Sweet Pea tends to be most active mid-day. Usually around lunch time or shortly after, I feel her thumpin' around in there. Other movement tends to be a bit more sporadic throughout the day. She's not big enough yet to tell "what's what" (as in fist vs. foot, etc.), but you can definitely tell when she's on the move!

Since then, both Jeromy and I have been eagerly awaiting the time that he could feel her. When she was particularly active, I would put my hand on the bump to see if I could feel her from the outside. A few were strong enough that I thought I could...but it's hard to distinguish what I'm feeling on the outside from what I'm feeling on the inside. That, and you have to time it just perfectly...bigger kicks are less consistent, so he would have to have his hand on the bump at just the right time...and that's just what happened last night!

I was having a bit of an emotional breakdown. I was feeling overwhelmed with a variety of baby and non-baby related things. Jeromy and I were laying in bed as we got ready for sleep. I was a bit teary, and we were talking through things (have I mentioned he's the best husband ever?). He had his hand on my abdomen as we talked. We were mid-conversation, when Sweet Pea unleashed a HUGE kick (punch?). I kept talking, used to being able to feel her and have others unaware. But I noticed that Jeromy's hand kind of jumped, so I paused to ask him, "Did you feel that??!" He responded with a wide-eyed, "Yes!" and then immediately, "I want to feel it again!"

So Jeromy gently shook my stomach, hoping to get her to move again. We both waited silently...nothing. So I tried wiggling around a bit. This time, she gave a one, two punch...lighter than the first blow, but still felt by Jeromy. Excited, I wiggled around again, and ANOTHER one, two punch!!

Maybe I'm getting too sentimental, but it felt just perfect to me. It seemed like Sweet Pea was reminding us (well, mostly me) what's TRULY important. Even if we are stressed to the max, poorer than poorer, have a stained/mismatched glider when she gets here, we will have Sweet Pea. She will be ours. And she will be (is) perfect.

I can't wait for her movements to get a little more consistent and strong, so that Jeromy can continue to share in the wonder that is Sweet Pea. :-)

Since I haven't updated lately, I'm almost 26 weeks (!!!) along. Most days I feel GREAT. I've continued to be as active as I can. I am still doing Zumba once a week, and getting to the Y at least 3 times a week. Now that the weather is nicer, Jeromy and I will be taking more neighborhood walks as well. My weight made a big jump (7 pounds in 4 weeks!), but the nurse said that's to be expected, given my slower weight gain at the beginning. Sweet Pea continues to grow and show indications of great health. Also at my last appointment, my glucose was tested. I haven't heard anything back (the test was a week ago), so I'm assuming no news is good news? I'll try to post again soon...including some pictures!

Oh! We put together the crib tonight, so nursery pictures will come shortly too!