Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's In A Name?

Several people have asked us where we came up with Linnea's name, the significance, etc. So here's the info...

I still stand by the story that Jeromy was actually the one who first suggested Linnea. I can't remember if it was before I was pregnant or not, but I do remember that it was him. He doesn't remember this. Oddly enough, I also had a friend from high school say on Facebook that she remembered I always loved the name Linnea. I don't remember this...but if it's true, I had good taste. ;-)

When Jeromy and I were considering names, we had some basic criteria: ideally, it would be a Scandinavian name since we are both from Scandinavian countries, and enjoy the culture. It would also (obviously) have to sound good with Carlson. We wanted something unique, but not weird. And fairly intuitive to spell and pronounce. (Side note: this seems to be the biggest obstacle of her name so far. For people still wondering, it's Li-NAY-ah.) We also tend to link simpler names, ones without a lot of nicknames. Linnea fits all of the criteria!

For those of you who know me well, you know that I lost my sister Beth to cancer in 1992. You also know that since then, I have pretty much been set on using Elizabeth or Beth for a first daughter's middle name. So much so that I think Jeromy and I had that conversation before we were married!

When I got pregnant, and after we found out that Linnea was a girl, I thought more about it. I decided that I wanted her middle name to just be Beth. Beth was never really an Elizabeth, in the same way that I don't really go by Rebecca much. Lucky for us, Linnea Beth has a great ring to it.

Many, many people asked us what "Sweet Pea's" name was when I was pregnant. Really and truly we did not decide until she was born. I really, really wanted her name to be Linnea, and would have decided before she was born. However, Jeromy really wanted to wait so that we were sure to do our due diligence, and got a chance to meet her before we named her.

As I explained in Linnea's birth story, the nurses asked right after she was born what her name was. I looked over to Jeromy who declared that she was Linnea. :-) Although we had a few other options ready, she was Linnea all along...and we couldn't be happier.

Linnea Beth Carlson. Linnea means "small Swedish flower." Beth is for the bravest, kindness, and most amazing big sister. What a wonderful, beautiful name for a wonderful, beautiful girl!

1 comment:

Kirstyn Fulton said...

I love her name! I think it is so beautiful!